One of the pillars of our current strategic plan is sustainability in all its aspects, and for this reason we have published a Corporate Social Responsibility report where we include all the actions carried out in 2020 and the commitments we have made to ourselves and our environment for 2021.
We actively contribute to 7 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and we also develop initiatives that contribute to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of our area and the agri-food sector.
For example, in 2020 we have worked and invested heavily in improving our environmental sustainability. In terms of energy efficiency, this year we achieved a 20% reduction in our energy consumption, installed solar panels and started up a biogas plant. With our biogas plant, we are also working on circular economy and converting one of our industrial wastes into an efficient energy source. In 2021 we will continue to work on these aspects to achieve the environmental targets we have set ourselves, including a 3% reduction in our environmental impact.
We have also continued to focus on job quality and staff training, with investments in 2020 in occupational health and safety, as well as in training with an annual training plan and an additional training check available to all employees, and the creation and maintenance of stable employment. In 2021 we will update our training policy, develop a new training plan, and also include healthy habits in our training plan.
We do not forget our commitment to consumer health and we have several lines of work both for the development of new products and research. In this regard, currently all our ingredients are of natural origin, 99.9% of our products are sugar-free and 99% contain less than 1% salt. In 2021, we will study the NutriScore, review our nutritional criteria for the development of children’s products, and continue to work on the development of plant-based alternatives.
In the year 2020, solidarity and cooperation have become even more important, which is why we have expanded our activities in these areas. We have continued to collaborate with the entities and organizations with which we already collaborated, but we have intensified our contributions, and we have expanded the number of entities with which we collaborate and our donations. During 2021 we will continue with this work by supporting initiatives for entrepreneurship, growth and social support.
These are just some of the things that Quescrem does and will continue to do as a responsible and committed company to generate positive impacts on the environment, society, our suppliers, partners, collaborators and employees, as well as our customers. To learn more about our commitment to global sustainability, we invite you to download our full report at this link: Quescrem 2020 CSR Report