Cream Cheese with fluid texture in up to one-ton format

Meet Quescrem FluidTank, an innovative cream cheese that facilitates daily factory operations.

A product with a format of up to 1,000 liters that helps food industries with high consumption and automated processes to save costs, optimize production times and optimize production times and reduce waste.


1. Increases operational efficiency

  • Minimizes manual processes and individual operations.
  • Allows the use of automated mixing systems.
  • Promotes increased productivity.
  • Optimizes operating costs costs.
  • Improves overall efficiency.

2. Zero contact with the product

FluidTank ensures a controlled and more hygienic working environment throughout the production process.

Its discharge spout connects the fluid cream cheese directly to the line. No contact with the environment, reduces the risk of microbiological contamination microbiological contamination.

3. Minimizes staff effort

  • Reduces the physical burden and risk of accidents associated with handling large volumes of containers.
  • Promotes employee well-being and enhances their performance.
  • Allows workers to be reassigned to higher-value tasks.
  • Reduces labor costs.

4. Promotes commitment to sustainability

FluidTank facilitates waste management by reducing the use of plastic and cardboard. It has 92% less packaging compared to small formats.

Its sustainable approach reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and logistics costs. In addition, it is committed to a responsible and environmentally friendly environmentally friendly production.

Improve your processes with Quescrem FluidTank

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