receta cheesecake kefir quescrem

Kefir Cheesecake

Cheesecake ingredients:

450 g of kefir cream cheese
130 g white sugar
3 eggs
25 g cornstarch
15 g lemon juice
160 g cream 35% M.G.


Kefir cream cheese will add creaminess and a different flavor to any cheesecake.

Cheesecake preparation:


Preheat the oven to 200º with heat up and down and line a 16 cm baking pan with baking paper.


In a bowl mix the kefir cream cheese with the sugar and the eggs added one at a time.


Mix the cream with the lemon juice and wait 2 minutes for it to thicken. Then add the cornstarch and mix well until no lumps remain. Add this mixture to the previous one until it is homogeneous.


Pour into the mold and bake for 15 minutes at 200º and then for 40 minutes at 150º. After this time turn off the oven and leave the cake 5 minutes more with the door closed.


Let the cheesecake cool and let stand for 24 hours to be consumed the next day.


Decorate the cheesecake with some fresh red fruits.

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