Mother's Day Puff Pastry Cake


  • Puff pastry
  • Mascarpone Cream Quescrem
  • Fresh fruit
  • Rose petals and desiccated coconut (decoration)


  1. Cut puff pastry sheets of 10 x 25cm.
  2. Caramelize in the oven with powdered sugar.
  3. Once cold, place 150g of Quescrem Mascarpone cream on the base.
  4. Finish by placing the fresh fruit on top of the cream.
  5. Decorate the sides with desiccated coconut and rose petals on top.


Ingredients – 1000 g

Medium strength flour 500 g
Salt 10 g
Water 250 g
Butter 20 g
Apple cider vinegar 2 g
Butter 200 g


  1. Place all the ingredients except the butter in the mixer.
  2. Knead. Towards the end of kneading, add the 20g of butter and continue kneading until fully integrated.
  3. Reserve in the refrigerator.
  4. Once the dough is cold, roll out in a 30 x 40 cm rectangular shape.
  5. Reserve in the refrigerator.
  6. Roll out the butter to 20 x 40 cm.


  1. Place the butter on top of the dough.
  2. Give a simple fold to incorporate the butter into the plaston.
  3. Continue with a double – single – double fold.

*(If necessary, cool the plaston between folds to work more comfortably).



Mascarpone Quescrem 132 g
Milk 335 g
Sugar 110 g
Cornstarch 55 g
Egg yolk 150 g
Vanilla (ud) 1 ud


  1. Mix the cornstarch, sugar and 100g of cold milk.
  2. Add the egg yolks.
  3. On the other side, heat the rest of the milk with the Mascarpone Quescrem.
  4. When it has boiled, add the cornstarch mixture, sugar and milk and continue whisking until it boils again.
  5. Remove from heat.
  6. Pour into a pan to cool and stir while stirring to avoid lumps.
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