Yogurt and lime ice cream with raspberries


For the yogurt and lime ice cream

451 g Water
290g Quescrem Culinary Yogurt
68g Skimmed milk powder
60g Sugar
120g Dextrose
4g grated lime peel
7g Neutral ice cream

For the yogurt foam

300g Quescrem Culinary Yogurt
100g Pasteurized egg whites
50g Honey
2 Loads of N2O

For the raspberry and yogurt sauce

300 g Quescrem Culinary Yogurt
100g Raspberry puree

For the raspberry sponge cake

110g Almond flour
255g Raspberry puree
214g Egg white
170g Egg yolks
116g Sugar
130g Loose flour
5g impeller

For the white chocolate and freeze-dried raspberry crisp

300g White chocolate coating
c/s Freeze Dried Raspberry Powder



For the yogurt and lime ice cream:

Put the water, grated lime peel, skim milk powder and dextrose in a saucepan. Heat to 40º C. Add the ice cream neutral mixed with the sugar. Continue cooking until 85º C and remove from heat. Put the mixture in an inverted bain-marie to lower the temperature as quickly as possible, strain through a sieve. Add the Quescrem Culinary Yogurt and pass through the blender. Allow the mixture to mature for 6 hours at +4º C. Turbine and freeze in blast chiller at -40º C. Once frozen, bring to -18º C for storage. Bring to service temperature -11º C, 24h before use.

For the yogurt foam:

Mix all the ingredients and pass through the blender. Put in siphon and load with two loads. Keep refrigerated at least 1 hour before use.

For the raspberry and yogurt sauce:

Mix all ingredients with a whisk.

For the raspberry sponge cake:

Mix all the ingredients and pass through the blender. Strain the mixture and put it into a siphon with two loads. Allow to stand for 2 hours under refrigeration before dosing. Pour ¼ cup into cardboard or plastic cups, with a cut in the base. Microwave at maximum power for 45 seconds. Allow to cool before removing the cake from the glass.

For the white chocolate and freeze-dried raspberry crisp:

Temper the white coating. Pipe buttons with the help of a piping bag on a plastic sheet. Sprinkle a little freeze-dried raspberry on top of each button. With a spoon form a small tear.


Place a little sauce along the length of the bowl and place the foam on top, to drizzle it with the yogurt sauce. Then place the raspberry sponge cake and decorate with the white chocolate and freeze-dried raspberry crisp.
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