Stuffed moña


  • Brioche dough
  • Cream of Quescrem Plus and nougat
  • Candied fruit
  • Pearled sugar


1. Cut two 75-gram pieces of dough.
2. Roll out the dough leaving 1 cm thick and in measures of 30 x 7 cm.
3. Place a line of Quescrem Plus cream and nougat in the middle of the 28 cm long dough.
4. Roll the dough to leave the cream in the middle.
5. Once we have the two pieces of dough filled, proceed to braid.
6. Roll this braid into a circle around a circular metal mold of 6 cm in diameter.
7. Ferment at 28 ºC for an hour and a half.
8. Brush with egg, place candied fruit and pearl sugar on top and bake in oven at 180 ºC for 20 minutes.




Flour (400W) 200 g
Water 125 g
Yeast 100 g


Sponge All the previous dough
Flour (400W) 800 g
Sugar 200 g
Salt 20 g
Eggs 200 g
Rum 30 g
Milk 100 g
Butter 200 g
Cinnamon powder 2 g
Grated orange peel 1 pc.
Grated lemon peel 1 pc.
Vanilla pod 2 pcs.
Pearled sugar 250 g


Knead the ingredients of the sponge, knead and let it ferment at a temperature of 28ºC until it doubles its initial volume.
2. Once the sponge is fermented, add the rest of the ingredients except the butter.
3. Knead for 7 minutes and add the butter several times.
4. Continue kneading until a homogeneous and elastic dough is obtained (about 15 minutes).
5. Rest the dough in block for 5 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into 350-gram pieces and shape.
7. Let it rest for 10 minutes in a ball and form the pieces into a doughnut.
8. Put the dough in a crown mold of 18 cm in diameter and 8 cm in height, previously greased.
9. Ferment the pieces until they double their initial volume, brush with egg and cover with pearl sugar.
10. Bake at 180ºC for approximately 30 minutes.



Quescrem Plus 500 g
Nougat paste 200 g


Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous cream is formed.

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