Our Mission

Enjoy creating with you a
creamy and tasty world

Having fun doing things we like, personal and professional growth and development. professional development.

Innovating, creating new opportunities, products and technologies, making things happen in a different way.

Always seeking organoleptic excellence, we only know products with a creamy texture and exquisite flavor.

We promote continuous improvement in the processes and projects in which we intervene, performing our work with high quality standards, resolving the incidents we encounter in our work and reducing them to a minimum.

We create and promote new ideas on products, processes and services that provide us with new sources of competitive advantage, responding to market changes, taking risks and proactively promoting innovative and effective solutions.

We are not satisfied with our current status quo and we dedicate effort, time and resources to improve our work, our processes and our capabilities and skills. We take on and show interest in new challenges.

We get involved with Quescrem’s needs and goals, assuming them with enthusiasm and as our own, sharing its vision, mission and values, with a clear focus on generating value, with enthusiasm and a critical and constructive spirit for the improvement of Quescrem and its processes.

We assume that our responsibility is economic, social and environmental sustainability, creating continuous improvement systems, promoting social policies and environmental impact reduction, as well as supporting new innovative projects in the dairy/food sector.

We know and integrate ourselves in the global context in which Quescrem finds itself, being flexible, accustomed to change, related and connected to new technologies and with an open mentality that will make us be very close to our local and international customers.

We act in accordance with Quescrem’s values, building loyal, honest and transparent relationships, encouraging them in all areas in which we work, behaving according to good professional practices and solving conflicts constructively.

We promote collaborative, integrative, active and receptive talent, which directs its efforts to work with other people towards the achievement of common goals for the benefit of Quescrem, promoting collaborative spaces to think and work collectively.

We promote continuous improvement in the processes and projects in which we intervene, performing our work with high quality standards, resolving the incidents we encounter in our work and reducing them to a minimum.

We create and promote new ideas on products, processes and services that provide us with new sources of competitive advantage, responding to market changes, taking risks and proactively promoting innovative and effective solutions.

Our history.

From the university to the
whole world

Quescrem was born in 2006 thanks to the non-conformism of a group of people linked to the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and the Dairy Products Classroom of the Lugo campus who decided to create a cream cheese production company. The project was born from a commitment of the partners with the Galician dairy sector to demonstrate that, from innovation, internationalization and sustainability, interesting initiatives can be generated to dynamize the sector in Galicia.

Because we know where we come from, we know where we are going.
we want to reach

Foundation of the company (2 people)

The idea of producing cream cheese by combining the application of technologies for the production of traditional Cebreiro cheese with the use of buttermilk as an ingredient, arose in 2005 within the Dairy Products Classroom of the University of Santiago (USC), and led to the founding of Innolact SL in May 2006 with 17 partners and 2 employees. As in all great adventures, the beginnings were not easy. It was an innovative project promoted by a group of entrepreneurs who were entering a very traditional sector, the dairy industry, and a mature market, that of cheese. The efforts were rewarded with several awards that same year, such as the award in the VII Concurso de Proxectos Empresariais Innovadores de la USC, the qualification of 1st Technology-Based Dairy Company granted by the Xunta de Galicia, and the qualification of NeoTec by the CDTI.


Manufacturing start Q1 (3 people)

To make this dream come true, it was essential to have a cheese plant tailored to the production process designed, and the place chosen was the initial building of what we know today as Q1. For more than 14 months we worked tirelessly in the industrial part, acquiring and configuring the first production line, testing the processes, until we achieved in October 2007 the first sale of Quescrem cream cheese, the first Galician cream cheese in the market. This was the beginning of our commercial activity for professionals in the Horeca and Industry channels in Spain.


First complete activity exercise (5 people)

First full year of commercialization of Quescrem, the first Galician cream cheese on the market, made with its own manufacturing technology and an exceptional ingredient from a functional and nutritional point of view, buttermilk.


Mascarpone Launch (8 persons)

Launch of the first and still to this day the only Mascarpone from Galicia, a creamy cheese with a long shelf life and completely clean label (no additives).


First international contact (11 people)

We attended Alimentaria 2010 as exhibitors where, in addition to many contacts with new customers in Spain, we made our first international business contacts. As a result of this fair, we won two of our historical clients who continue to trust us today.


Creation of Dept. R&D&I (13 people)

This year we took another decisive step in our firm commitment to innovation, creating our own R&D&I department with the vision and commitment to provide more value every day to our customers, the dairy sector and our environment through innovation, process improvement and the development of new products. One of the hallmarks and keys to success of Quescrem's business model also began to take shape: integration with our customers, the development of projects and customized products, and the provision of service beyond the sale of products.


Quescrem Plus Launch (13 people)

Launch of Quescrem Plus Natural, the first of a long family of products specially developed for industry.


First extension Q1 (15 people)

Faced with the growing demand for Quescrem products, this year we undertook the first expansion of the facilities, improving and optimizing the space for production, packaging and storage to accommodate the growing number of people who then formed the team.


Rebranding and rebranding (15 people)

In addition, this year the image change is taking place, updating the logo and packaging, to align the image of the Quescrem brand to the degree of differentiation, innovation and professionalism corresponding to the company and its products. It is at this point that the characteristic corporate weave and range of colors that make our products so distinctive.


Economic activity award for business success (26 persons)

Expansion of the product portfolio, as a result of the joint venture with Feiraco to rescue the Arquega plant.


Incorporation of Queso Fresco to our product portfolio (26 people)

Expansion of the product portfolio, as a result of the joint venture with Feiraco to rescue the Arquega plant.


Second extension Q1 (30 people)

Three years after the first factory expansion, we again needed to expand our production and office facilities. It is at this point that Q1 is left with its current 3-ship configuration. From this point on, a period of strong expansion in different markets and channels was consolidated.


Culinary Yogurt Launch (40 people)

Launch of Quescrem Culinary Yogurt, a yogurt designed for cooking with characteristics that make it ideal for baking and cooking.


10th Anniversary (54 people)

Celebration of the 10th anniversary with a party at the Q2 facility, then still under construction.


Inauguration Q2 (52 people)

For years we had been producing a high quality mascarpone with a very good market acceptance, especially in Asia where its consumption is expanding and especially in China, so the production facilities of Q1 were again starting to become too small for the entire production of cream cheese and mascarpone. Given the physical impossibility of continuing to expand Q1 due to the unavailability of the adjoining plots, we decided to set up a second production plant. After evaluating different possible locations both nationally and internationally, we finally decided to continue betting on our local environment and in 2018 we opened Q2 in the same industrial park as Q1.


Mascarpone 2 Star iTQi (63 people)

Innovative product SIAL Galicia Food Award for Market and Internationalization Strategy


Kefir, Chocolate and Hazelnut Stracchino Launch (63 people)

This year we took another decisive step in our firm commitment to innovation, creating our own R&D&I department with the vision and commitment to provide more value every day to our customers, the dairy sector and our environment through innovation, process improvement and the development of new products. One of the hallmarks and keys to success of Quescrem's business model also began to take shape: integration with our customers, the development of projects and customized products, and the provision of service beyond the sale of products.


Shanghai Innolact Business Foundation in China (68 people)

For several years, the Chinese market has been one of Quescrem's major bets at international level, as it already represents an important percentage of the company's sales and also has a great growth potential. Therefore, in 2019 we decided to take a further step in our internationalization strategy and founded a subsidiary in China, Shanghai Innolact Business, which was established in March 2020 with offices in Shanghai and one employee. Focus on sustainability This year we also invested heavily in environmental sustainability to improve our environmental impact, and unified all our CSR initiatives in our first CSR report.


Greenster Launch

Greenster, the first almond spread fermented as cheese, has arrived on the market. With a Nutriscore A, our vegan bet is a product made with local almonds and without preservatives or artificial substances. It is a source of fiber and protein and has a low sugar content.


Quescrem With Fruits China

We specifically developed light cream cheese with blueberry, strawberry and banana for Piaoyun, Quescrem's customer in China, which will expand its range of cream cheeses with these flavors.

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