Buttermilk or buttermilk

Buttermilk, buttermilk or buttermilk? You may be confused by these three names, but they all serve to describe the same thing: an exceptional food ingredient, with a nutritional value superior to milk and with very positive health effects. With a high content of macronutrients and micronutrients, buttermilk has a high biological value and many benefits for the human body. It is widely used in confectionery due to its functional characteristics, although it can also be found in some countries as an ingredient in the preparation of main dishes and even as a restorative drink. We are going to try to reveal to you all the goodness hidden behind this nutritious ingredient.

¿Qué es y cómo se obtiene el buttermilk?

Buttermilk is a dairy product obtained from the butter manufacturing process. Because of its name, most people assume it has a high fat content. An error that is easily proven by comparing it with the nutritional tables for whole milk. Compared to the 3.5 g of fat content per 100 g of whole milk, buttermilk has approximately 0.7 g of fat.

To obtain buttermilk, an intense whipping or beating of the cream is carried out to separate the two parts. On the one hand the butter, which will have a solid consistency and almost all the fat, and on the other hand the buttermilk, which will have a liquid consistency and almost all the protein. That is why it is also called buttermilk.

Características y ventajas generales del buttermilk

Buttermilk is low in fat and is an important source of protein with a very interesting nutritional profile. In particular, it should be noted that it contains the healthiest part of milk fat with a high content of polar lipids, which are part of the cell membrane of all living beings and have great health benefits. Important scientific studies have revealed its contribution to the prevention of colon cancer, the lowering of cholesterol levels, its bactericidal effect, protection against gastric ulcer and the improvement of brain function.

To conclude its health benefits, it is worth mentioning that the mineral salt content of buttermilk helps to maintain the body’s water balance, which is why in some countries it is traditionally used as a natural isotonic drink.

On the functional side, the use of buttermilk or buttermilk makes it possible to obtain smooth, creamy and very easy to handle textures, which stand out for their very intense and slightly acidic flavor. In addition, the natural emulsifiersin buttermilk allow us to obtain very stable formulas that facilitate mixing with different ingredients, whether fatty or aqueous, as well as an infinite number of flavors. Another of its peculiarity is that it can be exposed to cold or heat without losing its structure.

El buttermilk en la repostería

Buttermilk is a highly appreciated ingredient in baking due to its remarkable properties during the baking of doughs. When combined with sodium bicarbonate, the natural emulsifiers it contains give vigor to the crumb of biscuits, pancakes or cookies. This results in better rises, more flavor and juiciness. For this reason, buttermilk is generally included in all recipes that contain baking soda, as it is an effective way to neutralize the acidity of the soda. Its substitution with milk would not have the same effect and the result would not be as optimal.

It is found as a basic ingredient in popular recipes all over the world. For example, in the well-known American cake Red Velvet or the famous waffles or Belgianwaffles . In Baltic countries like Finland or Estonia, it is used as a sweet breakfast like porridge, mixed with toasted barley, rye, oat and pea flours accompanied by honey and forest berries.

Although the most well-known and widespread use is in baking, there are also traditional savory preparations that contain buttermilk in their composition, such is the case of the famous Boxty a rich potato cake from the north of Ireland. Also in the United States you will find it in some savory recipes such as the imitated Buffalo Chicken Wings . The reason is that lactic acid is able to tenderize meats and is therefore used in marinades togetherwith other ingredients. Another of the virtues of buttermilk or buttermilk is that it also improves the adhesion of the batter and makes its finish crispier.

Productos con buttermilk

The properties of buttermilk make buttermilk products very beneficial for all ages. In the growth stage of children, its high nutrient content helps the development of their brain function, so important in a stage of intense learning such as childhood, and like all dairy products, it benefits the strengthening of bones. In seniors or older people, it strengthens the immune system and thus slows down the aging process. In athletes, its high content of polar lipids combats the stress of intense exercise, preventing muscle pain and accelerating recovery after training.

Thanks to the use of high technology, Quescrem has developed a cream cheese from buttermilk, with a polar lipid content ten times higher than traditional milk and double that of other cream cheeses.

This not only gives our cream cheese the excellent nutritional properties described above, but also gives it a smooth and extremely creamy texture, ideal for use as a culinary ingredient in both sweet and savory recipes. The natural emulsifiers inthe buttermilk allow better emulsions to be obtained, as well as more aerated and stable foams. This results in a greater capacity for fat incorporation and stabilization. The end result is a healthy cream cheese with a more intense cheese flavor.

In other countries we also find products obtained from buttermilk, from yogurts to beverages, and it is also used as a base for sauces. In Europe, its use is very common in places where a lot of butter is produced. Such is the case in France, where the Auvergne region produces Gaperon cheese. Gaperon. It is a cow’s milk cheese matured for 4 weeks obtained from the buttermilk. It has an intense aroma and garlic and pepper are added in its preparation. There is evidence that it was already being made in the 9th century to take advantage of the whey generated from the production of butter. It is currently produced by the Androuet artisan cheese factory, among others. We can also find sauces or dressings containing buttermilk, such as the dressing marketed by the American brand Briannas .

Now that you know what buttermilk is, how it is obtained and what properties it has, we are sure you will understand why we use it in our cream cheeses. Undoubtedly, buttermilk or buttermilk is an ingredient that has exceptional organoleptic, nutritional and functional qualities, being beneficial for the health of people of all ages.

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