Cold Cheesecake Lactose Free


From the base

200 g lactose-free cookies
100 g lactose-free butter

Cheese mousse

400 g of Quescrem Lactose-Free Cheese
100 g sugar
300 g lactose-free cream 36% M.G.
10 g gelatin sheets
Red fruit jam


An option to facilitate the mixing of the cheese is to let it temper for 30 minutes outside the refrigerator before using it. Even so, it is important that the cream be very cold to achieve maximum aeration and thus obtain a high performance semifreddo.



Crush the cookies until they are like fine sand and add the melted butter. Mix and spread in the base of a ring of 15 cm in diameter and 4 cm in height. Cool well.

Cheese mousse

Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water. Heat 20 g of cream and the sugar until it boils. Add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. Let cool a few minutes at room temperature and add to the Quescrem Sin Lactosa and mix. Add the remaining cold cream to the Quescrem Sin Lactosa, gelatin and sugar mixture and beat at maximum speed for 2 minutes or until the mixture acquires a mousse texture. Pour the mixture into the ring with the cookie base and let it gel at 4 ºC for at least 6 hours. Decorate with red fruit jam and serve.


Spread with red fruit jam.
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