Yogurt Ice Cream

recetas con queso fresco

15 people

tiempo receta
60 min


For the yogurt ice cream

405 g water
350 g Quescrem® Culinary Yogurt
60 g skimmed milk powder
90 g sugar
90 g dextrose
5 g neutral ice cream



For the yogurt ice cream

Put the water, skim milk powder and dextrose in a saucepan. Heat to 45º C, then add the sugar mixed with the neutral. Cook the mixture to 85º. Place the mixture at low temperature until it reaches +4º. Add the Quescrem Culinary Yogurt and emulsify. Allow the mixture to mature for 6 hours at +4º C. Butter. Pour into buckets and cool to -40º C until completely frozen. Store at -20º.


A topping can be added as desired.